Wednesday, August 18, 2010

How do you let a friendship or relationship go based on your intution?

my friend and i share a wonderful friendship/relationship. i will admit that he is a gemini and i a pisces but it seems that things get more turned or twisted with him. One moment he says he will never ask anyone for anything, and then he deceides to purchase a house and ask me for deposit money, then he changes his mind, he ask to move in with me, and then says no. If i tell him that i feel rejected as a friend because he is always flip flopping. We scheduled a fitness retreat for october and then he informs me afterward that he no longer wants to attend that event, he would rather train in Vegas. I am drained and sad at the same time, because i admit i am an emotional person.. hime emotionless, but i express openly my concerns or anything else. i am tired of trying to understand, but sad because i value him as a friend. I feel that he doesn't value or respect me. Please help.. They they your spirit is your guiding light.. Sincerely sad.How do you let a friendship or relationship go based on your intution?

Sounds like you're not the one for him. Let it go.How do you let a friendship or relationship go based on your intution?
You need to be upfront with him. Tell him that what he is doing is upsetting to you. If he doesn't change after that than he isn't respecting you. If he doesn't change than maybe you should try to move on because he is disrespecting your feelings and taking advantage of your friendship. GOOD LUCK!!
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