Monday, August 16, 2010

Is it possible to strengthen your muscles without moving? How about to kill yourself without lifting a finger?

Do you think it is possible to make yourself stronger without moving? How about to kill yourself without lifting a finger? I was considering whether it was possible to mentally manipulate your muscles and make them grow and strengthen. It isnt as ridiculous as it sounds at first. Muscles get stronger by exercise, exercise makes your muscles stronger by creating microtears in the muscles which, when they heal, become stronger and larger. Stamina is gained by training and putting your body under stress for a prolonged period of time. Your stamina increases because your muscles become used to work with less oxygen then normal and so it takes less energy to use them also exercise makes your muscles oxygen enriched making them stronger and able to last longer. If you could mentally make the microtears, or mentally transfer oxygen into your muscles without having to do the actual exercise, it would be amazing. After thinking about this the idea came into my mind that shouldnt it be possible to kill yourself, without lifting a finger. To just sit in one spot and just die, for example by telling your heart to stop beating. Your heart works without you having to think about it, it runs in your subconscious mind, it is known as an involuntary muscle. If you could access your subconsious mind, which is very likely and a very reasonable supposition, than shouldnt you be able to stop your heart from beating? Shouldnt you be able to just end your life without the aid of anything but yor mind, i mean your mind is what controls every function of your body which keeps you alive, therefore couldnt it just stop doing one or two of those things which make sure you dont fall into the big sleep. What do you think? I am certain I dont currently know enough about the human mind and body so if you think it is impossible could you explain why a little and if i made a few mistakes on how the things work could you please correct them?Is it possible to strengthen your muscles without moving? How about to kill yourself without lifting a finger?
HOLY ****. I am NOT reading that freaking essay on your dream for being lazy while NOT being lazy.

Ugh! Yeah, jump off a building. You lift your feet, not your fingers.Is it possible to strengthen your muscles without moving? How about to kill yourself without lifting a finger?
No way I am reading your whole post.

No you can not get stronger without moving.

yes you can kill yourself without lifting a finger. If you just sit there and don't do anything (don't eat or drink) then you will die.
I don't think you can just slow your heart down until it stops and your brain dies, because your survival instincts are too strong to let that happen.
maybe if you have telekinesis or something
Much of our physical stature lies with in our minds. I don't know if actual growth could occur, however better control of currently existing functions is definitely possible. It is amazing if you think about it how little control we have over our bodies. Our heart beat, our breathing, even blinking are things we do unconsiously as a normal automatic motor function. The bestway to train your senses for better understanding and control of your body is to simply be aware at all times of what is happening. Sort of a state of meditation. This awareness will become natural with itme and you can learn to control all of these things. So why not? perhaps it is possible to strengthen muscle. I dont know about killing yourself though. Starve to death perhaps?%26gt;
Wow, this is very deep thinking and the only part I feel I can answer is the part about death.

It has been proved that a person or pet can ';will themselves to die'; especially after the death of a very close loved one or being the pet of a person who is dying or just died.

I do believe not only the heart but mind plays a huge role in this.

My Grandpa passed back in 95 and had Lou Gehrig's disease aka ALS.

He was in the hospital for many weeks before he died and for over a year could not speak at all. He made his wishes known that he wanted to die at home; not in a hospital.

A few days before he died a nurse came into the room and he could not even swallow so they wouldn't give him any fluids except very small amounts of ice only on his lips. I was there when he spoke clearly and said to the nurse after making gestures that he wanted something to drink; ';I'm going to die anyway'; just as if he hadn't lost his voice a long time ago.

A couple of days later the doctor released him to go home to die. He was brought by ambulance to the house and died within an hour of being home. I don't think he would have left this world as soon even in the agony he was in until he arrived to his home of over 40yrs.

He had a cat that loved him as much as he loved the cat. The cat passed about one month prior to my Grandpa before he went into the hospital.

That is proof enough for me that you can will yourself to die when and where you want to.

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