How do you move on from your first love? I'm trying but I can't seem to take her off my mind. I think of her every day, every hour, every second. I know I have to move on but one part of me is willing to wait for her. I try to hang out with friends, I try to go places and think about other things but I really can't. We been together for two years but for the last month, she was seeing someone else and I didn't even know about it until my friend told me. And that really hurts that she has been lying to me. Its been almost a month since we broke up and at the beginning I was being a bit sensitive. I admit I am a sensitive person. But after awhile I started to settle down with my emotions and I'm learning how to control it. I want her to be happy and I'm always willing to lend her a hand if she needs me. And she does asks me for favors. She is with someone else right now and they been arguing a bit and she comes to me for comfort. And I do comfort her and I try to help her out with her new relationship. I do want her to be happy but at the same time I want her back. And I don't really know what to do. We still talk and we even call each other best friends. So what should I do?How do you move on from your first love?
Wow, I've actually been in a very similar situation myself last year. Part of the healing process is simply to wait and endure the feelings. Yeah, I know it sucks but the more heart ache you experience, the faster you'll be able to accept it and move on. It'll just come in time just hang in there. It's like your mind and body will have a breaking point and once that breaking point is reached, you suddenly realize that you don't hurt as much as you did yesterday. Then every day past that, each day hurts a little less. It sounds like you're at that point now or very near it. It can only get better from here on out.
A big step is to break off communications with her. Explain to her that you need time to collect yourself again and that she's only hurting you more when she comes to you for support. You need her to find someone else for support. If she's really still the friend you make her out to be, she'll understand. Friends don't hurt friends, they're supposed to look out for each other, right? Right. If she doesn't understand that, maybe she wasn't a friend after all. Maybe she was just using you as a 'disposable' shoulder to cry on.
When my ex broke up with me, I still wanted to see her as just a friend, even though she was the one who cheated on me. Well everytime I did get to see her, it just kept hurting. It was like getting shot over and over again. One day I finally got tired of having my heart pulled out from me and I stopped seeing her altogether. Then I started to stop hurting as that reminder of the past was no longer there.How do you move on from your first love?
You can't really. Just learn to live with it.
Oh this is a hard one... ok
1. Try dating other girls, don't make your self seem to available (she's not)
2. It's going to take time honestly i cannot tell you how long it's going to take, but take it one step one day at a time trust me this too shall pass.
3. It's nice to help her out, but I know it puts a toll on you to hear about her and another guy so don't do it to yourself.
You might just need time apart from her just to find yourself and your head once again. And I want to see her happy to just not on the expense of your emotions and sanity. Don't cut her off completely (don't want you to go mad lol) just tone down on doing too many favors for her. Dude you need time to heal and with her always asking for something and crying to you ... you can't help not to get over her. She will see she made a mistake sooner or later.
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