I've been bestfriends with this guy before we ever got together. We've lived together, been engaged and everything. Give me some things that I can do to get over him? You know get my mind off everything.How do you move on with your life after a break up?
Get back out in the dating scene, have fun, and meet someone new.....Easy to do???? NO!, but it's a lot better than sitting home being sad, and depressed. That will get your mind off him, and on to new people. Good Luck!How do you move on with your life after a break up?
first get rid of anything that reminds you of him(move if you must.) next listen to all the crappy love songs you can think of and take one full day and cry your eyes out. then buy a dozen inspirational books and read thhem until you read one that clicks. after that go out with the girls party dance with a few guys at a club. you dont have to go home with them or even talk to them ever again. but you need to remind yourself how much fun guys can be.
The best way to get over a breakup, keep busy with friends and outdoor activities.Get rid of everything that remind you of him. Focus on yourself.
all the things you like to do, do them anything that wont make you think of him life goes on it did before him it has to after him. it's time think of you and what makes you happy!one monkey don't stop no show
madam the only solution to such kind of situation is to keep yourself busy.
now if the question is how to keep myself busy then you hav to take time from your schedule and have a talk with your best friend and your best friend is no one other than you!
you take some time and sit with yourself to decide what all things are there in your life that makes you feel refreshed.
but after this meeting if you feel that your life has nothing that can make you feel so for long time then you need to do one thing list out all the things or activities around you which is apart from any mental stress then out of those check or select which you will like to enjoy.and start that activity right from the moment when you hav found it out.
and remember that if you are new to that activity dont feel shy to start every one on this earth is going to start some or the other activity for the first time.
keeping yrself busy and out of that thought is the only remedy.
and whenever you come back to the thought of your breakoff think that it was so good to know a person from before rather than knowin his actuality after marriage or so?
you can any time write to me if you need more deeper discussion.
surround yourself with people who loves u. family, friends, etc. do fun stuffs with them. keep yourself busy with organising parties or outings and etc. dress up, go out and have fun. meet guys to just flirt with. tell yourself that u're lucky u didn't marry this guy before u guys broke up, at least u dont have to deal with a divorce. u found out early that he's not right for u. thats a good thing. it would be harder for u becuz u guys seem to have gone tru alot... but u need to try your best to stay positive and be hopeful for the future. take dance lessons, learn to play the piano, try something different! something u've always wanted to do but couldn't! life begins again... give yourself some time, and soon u'll be out there finding love again. just keep believing!
don't dwell on the past , yes keep your good times close to your heart. and with your mistakes you will grow and make the next relationship better. but don't jump into anything to quick. go out of town with your girl friends have fun get crazy . do something you never imagined doing take alto of pictures. make a moment to remember. go on have a blast. and keep your options open. good luck
Everything was happened....., u can't change the past but u can decide for your future. u must think about your future and make a plan for it, maybe it will help u to get him over from your mind.
Past is just a chapter of our life, maybe we can't forget it forever, but we can tell our self 'our past is our memory' that make us more better.
May be if you tell him that you cant see him for a while and then try to meet someone else, it would help.
I've found, generally, things have to run there course. Finally, I make a list of the reasons that I am not with the guy. And pray that God grants me the Serenity to Accept that I am not supposed to be with him for ';Today';
Good Luck.
Go back to an old interest... I went back to developing my intuition and my reading on the subject of spirituality. I am now an archangel oracle card reader. I am pretty good at it too. I also took some courses in reiki (healing) and am intent on opening a practice someday. Do something that you love and become good at it!
Get yourself busy with a hobby or something. Go out to the movies, have a good cry, go visit the country side, do things to take your mind off of him, flirt w/ other guys, but don't take it too far just flirt just to make sure you still got it. It will build up self confidence. Treat yourself to a spa or massage. Go out w/ sister/brother/cousins. Write down what you are feeling on paper and then burn it and as it burns then those (bad) feelings should disappear also.
Unfortunately there is no easy answer. It took me 5 years to get over my first significant break-up.
You just have to live your life. Try to stay involved with friends or hobbies or whatever you need to do to keep your mind off of your past relationship.
It will definitely take time to heal. Try not to rush into another relationship just to fill the hole inside you.
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