However, how do I stand up for myself? I keep track of everything that occurs in case I need it for leverage later on. But how can I say that I'm aware of what's going on at work. (All of their actions are underhanded and subtle- not direct) We have a new supervisor and they have even turned her against me. I'm not going to be fired because I am very good at what I do and they don't have a leg to stand on but they do their best to make me miserable. What should I do to make it known that I know what the deal is?Is there a way that you can effectively speak your mind in the workplace?
sounds like you're going thru the exact same thing my husband is at his workplace! Yes there are some horrible people out there that will treat you unfairly or indirectly offend you in some way. Well whatever it is that they're doing to stress you out, you can either block it out by completely ignoring them or choose your words carefully when speaking your mind to them. I know it's hard when it's one against so many but don't let them get to you.Is there a way that you can effectively speak your mind in the workplace?
You know the Bible says, ';When you are persecuted in one city flee to the other.'; I don't mean to preach to you, but I think that is the best thing to do. I mean why should you be bitter and ruin yourself.
Only during your performance rating with your line supervisor.
It really sounds like you don't have a leg to stand on. In the business world, when a group decides to sabotage you, and in that group is management usually someone is clever enough to cover them so that you can't really do anything. Perhaps a full-fledged law suit, but that is SO unlikely to succeed, although some do. But you really have to have a desperate lawyer, who ends up with nearly all the money anyway.
Women fighting women is even worse, as you can't use the ';sex card';. If race isn't an issue, I'm afraid your plan to just find another job is the best you can do. If you burn too many bridges upon leaving, then they may even ruin your chances at the new job. It has been done, and is very easy to do unless there is a whistle blower who is willing to stand up for you in court.
So basically, just be careful, don't do anything rash, at least until you have a new job, and even then it is best to leave on civil terms.
I'd have an open, honest talk with either your supervisor, or even HER boss. You might wish to confront the worst of them, and tell them that it's harassment, and you'll report it. I understand your supervisor's not on your side, but maybe if you calmly give her your point of view, in a non-inflammatory manner, she'll be willing to try to look at things from your perspective. Give her a list of the offenses, and see if she'll do anything about it, if you think that'd work, but keep the original so she can't sabotage you by ';losing'; it so you don't have proof. If that doesn't work, talk to her boss. If it still persists, work on finding a new one. If you're valuable enough that they don't want to lose you, they'll do something about the deadbeats.
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